
Investing in a laundry in Pays de la Loire, guaranteed success – Bruno Blanchard

A profitable investment without staff or time constraints ILR: Hello Bruno, so tell us about yourself. How did you start and how did you come to invest in Speed Queen laundries? Bruno Blanchard: [...]

2024-09-08T18:01:26+02:00November 24, 2021|Uncategorized|

Investing in laundromat with Speed Queen? Jesús Antonio Páez tell us about his experience

Our investors are enterprising and ambitious people. That's why we chose their stories to give you a first-hand insight into the day-to-day running of the Speed Queen business. Today, we introduce you to [...]

2024-09-11T15:23:13+02:00October 1, 2021|Meet our investors|
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